Defined Benefit (DB) Isle of Man Occupational Solutions


With unrivalled experience and knowledge of Isle of Man domestic DB schemes, we work with employers, trustee boards and other professionals to provide independent professional trustee services and a wide range of associated administration services for traditional DB occupational pensions in addition to market leading actuarial consultancy.

Our services include to IOM DB pension schemes include:

Independent Trustee

As an independent Trustee, our primary focus is the governance of your scheme, ensuring that member benefits are protected and managed in line with the best industry standards and expectations. 

Registered Schemes Administrator

We fulfil the role of a Professional Registered Retirement Benefits Schemes Administrator.

Scheme Administration 

We provide a full range of administrative services to larger company pension schemes, including (but not limited to) allocation of contributions, management of member accounts and accrued benefits, preparation of annual benefit statements and future pension projections, regular administration reporting, attendance at trustee meetings and ongoing advice on scheme development, including information related to the current and upcoming regulatory and governance landscape related to the plans we support.

Chairman of Pension Trustee Board   

As a professional independent Trustee, we provide an experienced, knowledgeable nominated individual to support your Trustee board. With more than 25 years’ experience, our team provides guidance and leadership to suit your requirements.

Specialist Pensions on Divorce Expert (SPODE)

PODE meaning ‘pension on divorce experts’, are pension professionals who are competent in providing advice to solicitors and their clients in the equitable redistribution of pension assets during a divorce. This service is relevant to specialist pensions advisors or solicitors.

Scheme Secretary

We can deliver a range of services to support you. From meeting organisation through to management of IPP registers, our bespoke services will enable you to structure our support services to suit your requirements.

Scheme Actuary

Through our in-house actuarial team, we provide actuarial consultancy and calculation services on demand.

Retirement Benefit / Pension Payroll

We manage and administer pension payroll for members of Isle of Man DB schemes.

Accountancy Services

To support our independent trustee services or as a standalone services, our dedicated in-house client accounting team will manage the scheme accounting process through to completion and where required, audit, of the scheme financial statements. 

Specialist Consultancy Services

We support a number of Isle of Man and International DB pensions schemes with high quality in house actuarial and trustee expertise, knowledge and capability with the experience to handle the most complex issues for our clients.

To discuss our services in respect of your DB pension scheme, contact us.

Get in touch

Ian Blackhurst

Client Relations Manager - Corporate Pensions

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